ECO650: Firms' Strategies and Markets


This course aims at equipping students to understand complex strategies that firms apply to maximize their profits. Emphasis is given to pricing, advertising and innovation strategies of firms in a static and/or a dynamic perspectives. The range of strategies analyzed is wide because firms operate in diverse market organizations (various competitive environments, direct sales vs indirect sales to consumers) , demand conditions (uncertainty, consumers’ heterogeneity) and information setting (imperfect information about prices, contracts or products).

The methodology used is Microeconomic Theory and Industrial Organization.

Each class (3 h) includes a case study (0,5 h), theory (1,5 h)  and exercises (1 h) .

Themes of Classes

Exam on December 20th (2 hours): No document allowed!

Master2 ENS: Advanced Industrial Organization


Course by Hugo Molina & Claire Chambolle (24hours)

This is an advanced course in Theory and Empirical Industrial Organization. The course covers topics related to the pricing and contracting behavior of firms. It also aims at understanding how firms’ strategies (e.g., horizontal and vertical mergers) affect market outcomes and welfare. The course also analyzes important topics in competition policy including cartels and merger policy.

Learning Outcomes

The material is essential for students planning to do research in theory and empirical industrial organization. It is also useful for students aiming at working in consulting firms and competition authorities.

Indicative Contents

Each class of 3 hours contains teaching material, problem sets, and paper reading.
